The Three Trick Illusion, Sarri Ball, on the Sherry (Harvey’s) and Invisible Contact
Mauricio Sarri arrived on our shores with the term ‘Sarri Ball’ attached to his mantle.
Press and pundits alike jumped onto the same mantle in their quest to portray a raising of one’s intellect for the before mentioned, Sarri’s system is a basic 4-3-3 system with two wide men pinned to the touchlines leaving a lone striker as the number nine. When in possession and in attacking mode, the right and left midfield players would in football ???? terms (work the lines) attacking right and left to support the lone central forward, with Jorginho the holding midfield player. When without ball retention Chelsea would flood the midfield, ‘Sarri Ball’ is not, it is a mirage.
The departing Football League’s chairman, Shaun Harvey stated that supporters “should stop moaning about club’s owners, and that they are the saviours of clubs”.
In response, Harvey embodies clubs with suspect owners which leads to a road of strife for many clubs, Harvey is no loss.
For Harvey to give the illusion come impression, that he and his cronies have served and protected our clubs is surreal. Will the next incumbent meet the criteria required?
According to a member of the press core, it should be possible for a player to be awarded a penalty, following his simulation, to sway the decision od the referee to award a penalty, followed by a booking, confused?
Simulation is cheating and the Football Column advocates a straight red card for simulation. The question has to be asked, if contact is made by a defender inside the penalty box, is it enough for the player to hit the blades of grass or has simulation caused the player to go in free fall? If yes on the first count, a penalty must be awarded, if no on the second count, a red card should be displayed (a rule change needs to be set in place).
Football is a contact sport, as for simulation, it becomes invisible, contact wise!